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  • Private Investigator Training

    Private Investigator Training

    Private Investigator Training

    Best Private Investigator training

    Discover the Private Investigator training at the International Anti Crime Academy, your springboard to a career in crime detection and prevention. Are you driven to tackle injustice and crimes? Then our Private Investigator training is perfect for you.

    As a private investigator, also known as a private detective or private detective, you delve into a world where your skills in investigating various cases are essential. This training is open to everyone, regardless of your previous experience or background in sectors such as the police, military police, army, or other government services. With our training you take the first step towards a versatile and challenging role in the private research world.

    Private Investigator Training

    To start working as a private researcher, it is necessary to be in possession of a valid ECABO 'Private Researcher' diploma. The training offered by International Anti Crime Academy is officially recognized by the Ministry of Security and Justice and offers you a solid foundation with which you can immediately start working in practice.

    Our training includes four days of theoretical education, which take place on Saturdays or working days at our excellent teaching location in Gilze-Rijen. If you unexpectedly miss a day of lessons, we offer you the opportunity to catch up at a later time. After attending all the lessons and completing the homework assignments, you will have all the knowledge necessary to successfully complete the exam.

    Private Investigator Research and Reporting Exam

    Although it is known online that the 'Investigation and Reporting' exam for Private Investigator is very difficult, we see this differently at International Anti Crime Academy. We significantly increase your chances of success by offering targeted exam training in 'Research and Reporting' during the course. This preparation ensures that you are well equipped to take the exam, resulting in an impressive pass rate of over 90% for our students on their first attempt.

    Our participants consistently rate both the teaching materials and our teachers as being of very high quality. The lessons at our institute are provided exclusively by qualified private researchers with years of experience, both in the Netherlands and internationally. Thanks to their expertise, they know the intricacies of the exam, including the questions and strategies to score maximum points so that you pass the first time.

    How much does a Private Investigator training cost?

    At International Anti Crime Academy, the value of the Private Investigator Training goes beyond just the excellent quality of education. You will also be intensively prepared for practice. In the lessons, ample attention is paid to your future plans, and you will have the opportunity to build a broad network together with fellow students.

    You will learn essential skills for a career as a private investigator, including setting up a professional website, developing a network, and effectively attracting potential clients.

    For more information about the Private Investigator training, click here .